c-ares provides a set of library functions, datatypes, and enumerations
which integrators will use for their implementations. When you install c-ares,
you get man pages which describe their use and meanings.
Event Thread example (recommended)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ares.h>
/* Callback that is called when DNS query is finished */
static void addrinfo_cb ( void * arg , int status , int timeouts ,
struct ares_addrinfo * result )
( void ) arg ; /* Example does not use user context */
printf ( "Result: %s, timeouts: %d \n " , ares_strerror ( status ), timeouts );
if ( result ) {
struct ares_addrinfo_node * node ;
for ( node = result -> nodes ; node != NULL ; node = node -> ai_next ) {
char addr_buf [ 64 ] = "" ;
const void * ptr = NULL ;
if ( node -> ai_family == AF_INET ) {
const struct sockaddr_in * in_addr =
( const struct sockaddr_in * )(( void * ) node -> ai_addr );
ptr = & in_addr -> sin_addr ;
} else if ( node -> ai_family == AF_INET6 ) {
const struct sockaddr_in6 * in_addr =
( const struct sockaddr_in6 * )(( void * ) node -> ai_addr );
ptr = & in_addr -> sin6_addr ;
} else {
continue ;
ares_inet_ntop ( node -> ai_family , ptr , addr_buf , sizeof ( addr_buf ));
printf ( "Addr: %s \n " , addr_buf );
ares_freeaddrinfo ( result );
int main ( int argc , char ** argv )
ares_channel_t * channel = NULL ;
struct ares_options options ;
int optmask = 0 ;
struct ares_addrinfo_hints hints ;
if ( argc != 2 ) {
printf ( "Usage: %s domain \n " , argv [ 0 ]);
return 1 ;
/* Initialize library */
ares_library_init ( ARES_LIB_INIT_ALL );
if ( ! ares_threadsafety ()) {
printf ( "c-ares not compiled with thread support \n " );
return 1 ;
/* Enable event thread so we don't have to monitor file descriptors */
memset ( & options , 0 , sizeof ( options ));
options . evsys = ARES_EVSYS_DEFAULT ;
/* Initialize channel to run queries, a single channel can accept unlimited
* queries */
if ( ares_init_options ( & channel , & options , optmask ) != ARES_SUCCESS ) {
printf ( "c-ares initialization issue \n " );
return 1 ;
/* Perform an IPv4 and IPv6 request for the provided domain name */
memset ( & hints , 0 , sizeof ( hints ));
hints . ai_family = AF_UNSPEC ;
hints . ai_flags = ARES_AI_CANONNAME ;
ares_getaddrinfo ( channel , argv [ 1 ], NULL , & hints , addrinfo_cb ,
NULL /* user context not specified */ );
/* Wait until no more requests are left to be processed */
ares_queue_wait_empty ( channel , - 1 );
/* Cleanup */
ares_destroy ( channel );
ares_library_cleanup ();
return 0 ;
cc -I /usr/local/include -o example_ev example_ev.c -Wl ,-rpath /usr/local/lib -lcares
Sock State Callback example
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <ares.h>
typedef struct {
ares_channel_t * channel ;
struct pollfd * fds ;
size_t nfds ;
} dnsstate_t ;
void sock_state_cb ( void * data , ares_socket_t socket_fd , int readable , int writable )
dnsstate_t * state = data ;
size_t idx ;
/* Find match */
for ( idx = 0 ; idx < state -> nfds ; idx ++ ) {
if ( state -> fds [ idx ]. fd == socket_fd ) {
break ;
/* Not found */
if ( idx >= state -> nfds ) {
/* Do nothing */
if ( ! readable && ! writable ) {
return ;
/* Add */
state -> nfds ++ ;
state -> fds = realloc ( state -> fds , sizeof ( * state -> fds ) * state -> nfds );
} else {
/* Remove */
if ( ! readable && ! writable ) {
memmove ( & state -> fds [ idx ], & state -> fds [ idx + 1 ],
sizeof ( * state -> fds ) * ( state -> nfds - idx - 1 ));
state -> nfds -- ;
return ;
/* Update Poll Events (including on Add) */
state -> fds [ idx ]. fd = socket_fd ;
state -> fds [ idx ]. events = 0 ;
if ( readable ) {
state -> fds [ idx ]. events |= POLLIN ;
if ( writable ) {
state -> fds [ idx ]. events |= POLLOUT ;
void process ( dnsstate_t * state )
struct timeval tv ;
while ( 1 ) {
int rv ;
int timeout ;
size_t i ;
struct pollfd * fds ;
size_t nfds ;
/* Since we don't have any other program state to wait on, we'll just
* stop looping when we know there are no remaining queries, which is
* easily indicated by ares_timeout() returning NULL when maxtv is NULL */
if ( ares_timeout ( state -> channel , NULL , & tv ) == NULL ) {
break ;
timeout = tv . tv_sec * 1000 + tv . tv_usec / 1000 ;
rv = poll ( state -> fds , state -> nfds , timeout );
if ( rv < 0 ) {
continue ;
} else if ( rv == 0 ) {
/* Process timeouts */
ares_process_fd ( state -> channel , ARES_SOCKET_BAD , ARES_SOCKET_BAD );
continue ;
/* Duplicate fds structure as calling into ares_process_fd() may manipulate
* the one contained in state */
nfds = state -> nfds ;
fds = malloc ( sizeof ( * fds ) * nfds );
memcpy ( fds , state -> fds , sizeof ( * fds ) * nfds );
for ( i = 0 ; i < nfds ; i ++ ) {
if ( fds [ i ]. revents == 0 ) {
continue ;
/* Notify about read/write events per FD */
ares_process_fd ( state -> channel ,
( fds [ i ]. revents & ( POLLERR | POLLHUP | POLLIN )) ? fds [ i ]. fd : ARES_SOCKET_BAD ,
( fds [ i ]. revents & POLLOUT ) ? fds [ i ]. fd : ARES_SOCKET_BAD );
free ( fds );
/* Callback that is called when DNS query is finished */
static void addrinfo_cb ( void * arg , int status , int timeouts ,
struct ares_addrinfo * result )
( void ) arg ; /* Example does not use user context */
printf ( "Result: %s, timeouts: %d \n " , ares_strerror ( status ), timeouts );
if ( result ) {
struct ares_addrinfo_node * node ;
for ( node = result -> nodes ; node != NULL ; node = node -> ai_next ) {
char addr_buf [ 64 ] = "" ;
const void * ptr = NULL ;
if ( node -> ai_family == AF_INET ) {
const struct sockaddr_in * in_addr =
( const struct sockaddr_in * )(( void * ) node -> ai_addr );
ptr = & in_addr -> sin_addr ;
} else if ( node -> ai_family == AF_INET6 ) {
const struct sockaddr_in6 * in_addr =
( const struct sockaddr_in6 * )(( void * ) node -> ai_addr );
ptr = & in_addr -> sin6_addr ;
} else {
continue ;
ares_inet_ntop ( node -> ai_family , ptr , addr_buf , sizeof ( addr_buf ));
printf ( "Addr: %s \n " , addr_buf );
ares_freeaddrinfo ( result );
int main ( int argc , char ** argv )
dnsstate_t state ;
struct ares_options options ;
int optmask = 0 ;
struct ares_addrinfo_hints hints ;
memset ( & state , 0 , sizeof ( state ));
if ( argc != 2 ) {
printf ( "Usage: %s domain \n " , argv [ 0 ]);
return 1 ;
/* Initialize library */
ares_library_init ( ARES_LIB_INIT_ALL );
/* Enable sock state callbacks, we should not use ares_fds() or ares_getsock()
* in modern implementations. */
memset ( & options , 0 , sizeof ( options ));
options . sock_state_cb = sock_state_cb ;
options . sock_state_cb_data = & state ;
/* Initialize channel to run queries, a single channel can accept unlimited
* queries */
if ( ares_init_options ( & state . channel , & options , optmask ) != ARES_SUCCESS ) {
printf ( "c-ares initialization issue \n " );
return 1 ;
/* Perform an IPv4 and IPv6 request for the provided domain name */
memset ( & hints , 0 , sizeof ( hints ));
hints . ai_family = AF_UNSPEC ;
hints . ai_flags = ARES_AI_CANONNAME ;
ares_getaddrinfo ( state . channel , argv [ 1 ], NULL , & hints , addrinfo_cb ,
NULL /* user context not specified */ );
/* Wait until no more requests are left to be processed */
process ( & state );
/* Cleanup */
ares_destroy ( state . channel );
free ( state . fds );
ares_library_cleanup ();
return 0 ;
cc -I /usr/local/include -o example_ss example_ss.c -Wl ,-rpath /usr/local/lib -lcares