Subject: Re: Integrating with libev

Re: Integrating with libev

From: Brian McFarland <>
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2012 12:23:40 -0400

Thanks Timo. That's a great example that confirms what i'm trying to do is
feasible. Your design has prompted a few more questions.

So correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like the ares_socket_callback()
function is called whenever the sockets are created as well?

How did you decide on keeping watchers for just 4 fd's at a time? Is there
something in your ares_opts or inherent to the nature of c-ares
architecture that allowed for this decision? It's also not entirely clear
to me what happens if you exceed 4 fd's that need watching.

- Brian
Received on 2012-04-24