Subject: Re: Patch for epoll/kqeueue/devpoll-style interaction

Re: Patch for epoll/kqeueue/devpoll-style interaction

From: Daniel Stenberg <>
Date: 2006-04-20

On Fri, 14 Apr 2006, Nick Mathewson wrote:

> This patch introduces a callback mechanism that gets invoked when a socket
> becomes (or stops being) interested in reads or writes; it would make c-ares
> way easier to use for my application (

I appreciate your work and this fits well into c-ares as I see it. I'm just
not in a position time-wise where I can apply and commit.

I'll try to have a go at this and other c-ares patches later this summer or

Sorry for this.

   c-ares -- my preferred DNS asynch resolver library
Received on Thu Apr 20 00:45:21 2006